Know about Kroger Check Cashing
You can take advantage of this facility of Kroger. Know about Kroger Check Cashing .You can do your shopping and check-cashing in one place. What is necessary for this? You can read the whole post to know all this.
Know about Kroger Check Cashing :
So the first thing you can do is take the help of Kroger's store locator. Kroger has many stores and you can take advantage of check cashing.
1) Is it necessary to have a bank account for check cashing ?
No, it is not necessary to have a bank account, only the check should be with you.
2) How much is the check cashing fee ?
Its fee is different in every state you can check at the counter.
3) How long can check cashing be done ?
The last date of check cashing is written on the cheque. You can cash the check within six months.
4) What documents are required ?
For this you can bring US passport, driving license, identity card etc along with the check.
5) How long can you get cash ?
You get cash within few minutes.
Check Cashing , Kroger